Bingo Card for stargateland. I wasn't going to gif this, I was going to try and do other things, be creative. Then I realised it was due soon, and there was no time for that. So a few icons, and a few more gifs. All shows.
A wallpaper for Sparky Advent over at john-elizabeth. It's probably a little light on the Christmas theme, but I like that. Hopefully someone else does too. ♥
Forty Stargate icons for land challenges, all series, but mostly Atlantis. I've posted most of the Elizabeth ones here before, putting them all together though. Some are recently made, some are months old.
A little John/Elizabeth picspam for the shipper challenge at stargateland. The only plan to this is moments that make me ooh and ahh like a hopeless shipper. The first ones that popped into my head. It's only small. Two handfuls over the bare minimum of images. Madness.